
UK: I'd like to help my community by doing handywork for local groups or centres- how should I start?

by  |  earlier

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I have no qualifications, but by handywork I mean things like helping to paint community centres, do the shopping for organisations, a little weeding maybe, or cleaning the windows etc.

Helping the community project or charity but not actually getting involved in what they do.

How do I get started and is there anything I should know?


PS, I have a lot of my own equipment and a suitable car.




  1. Are you for real?....sounds like community service yer looking for..commit a minor crime or ,and flash summit at cctv...

  2. Firstly do you want to do it voluntary or get paid for the service?

    If you want to volunteer it is easy, contact your local national voluntary service association and they will put you in touch with organisations that need your help.

    If you want to be paid it is just like any other job you will have to find out where the work is.

    Good luck

  3. apply in person to the groups they most probably will want references  and crb check but  a lot of company's want this know so nice to here of someone that wants to help there community  good luck to you

  4. First thing that comes to mind....Police Record Check

    If you're clean ( i assume so) then just get in touch with local organisations (flick through yellow pages, online) but be prepared for them to ask questions about police record (may even want record check done) especially if your going to be around kids, elderly, disabled etc.

    Its just the way of the world these days.

    good luck and good on you!

  5. You see if these is a Good Neighbours Group in your area.

    They take the elderly shopping, hospital appts etc. I am quite sure that you would be welcomed with open arms. I have an idea that you may have to have a CRB check (Criminal Records Bureau), because of the nature of the work especially being with the elderly who are vulnerable.

    You can always check that out.

    Or You could ask your local Churches is they know anyone who could do with some help in the garden, painting etc.

    Good Luck,

    We need more people like you in the UK

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