
UK.If there was an announcement on tv about going on strike.?

by  |  earlier

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the country should/would be at a standstill.would you even support a strike.?




  1. Yes I would, I'm on strike today.

  2. I  believe  that  most  people  say  they  would  but  most people  say  'i'm  looking  after  number  one'.  The  country broke  the  unions  then  got  mortaged  up  to  the  eyeballs.  If  you  go  on  strike nowadays  you  lose  your  house  if  you  can't  pay.  It  will  not  happen.

  3. That would be dependent on the reasons for it.

    Can you expand on your question a bit?

  4. Depends what the strike would be in aid of

  5. Same as KOW.

    I would have to know the reason for the strike yet I would go out to defend their right to strike.

  6. I am a member of a union and if there was to be a strike I'm afraid I could not join in. Doing the job I do it would go against my ethics. Most of my work colleagues say the same.

  7. You mean a general strike? It would depend on the reason of course. I do believe that we have the right to withhold labour though.

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