
UK - If you could move to another place in the UK, where would it be and why?

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What is wrong with where you are now, and what is better about where you would go to?




  1. Id go to Tomintoul in Aberdeenshire.

    Id move there cos its meant to be the snowiest place in Scotland, Ive heard that the town sometimes gets snowed in during the winter!

    I live in Glasgow just now and it sucks... whenever snow falls its gone after two mins cos of the ammount of traffic and foot traffic.

    Also, theres too much noise and hassle in this city for my liking!

  2. I would like to visit many other places in the UK and out of it but I'm not sure where I'd want to move yet. I did have a strange dream that I moved to a place called Watton in Hertford lol, strange thing is I hadn't heard of the place before I dreamt it, but I looked it up and it's real. Maybe that was a sign of future events lol. Who knows?

  3. I've lived in several places, from tiny villages, to small towns, to cities. Previously, the answer would have been 'yes, I'd like to move'.

    Now I'm in Somerset, I'd have to decline...

    EDIT: person above, who mentioned Wales - I love Wales (north more than south) - it's beautiful, and the people are far more friendly than the stereotypes would have you believe. There is a slight downside, however, in that jobs are a little harder to come by....

  4. I live in a town in Shropshire but I would like to move a few miles out of town to get away from the traffic and have a bit of land to grow my own.

    If I could move anywhere in the UK, I would prefer to go near the coast in West Wales or on the west coast of Scotland, between Oban and Ft William which is stunning.

  5. Live in Cornwall near the north coast and not sure want to move afyer coming here from London 7yrs ago...but would probably move to Hebden Bridge as have friends there and it is a lovely place with a good sense of community

  6. I have lived in lots of county's in the Uk and the best place by far is Arundel in west sussex.

    10 min form the beach, beautiful countryside. Half an hour to the airport, 45 min to London 35 min to Brighton. Very few chavs,  

  7. I'd go to the Lake District. It's beautiful, peaceful, relaxing. There are lots of famous writers from there, so you can read poetry in the places where it's set. You can go on boat trips. You can learn about nature.

    Whenever I go there, I leave feeling refreshed.

  8. idk im american

  9. It would be a little bit more rural, because I like to see wonderful views of nature.

  10. Its too boring where i live now! I'd probably move to London, lots to do and see there, plus lots of shops haha :D

  11. If I had to live in the UK Cardiff or the West coast of Wales. Cardiff is a great modern small city with loads of parks, good transport for Britain, good place to work great shopping good night life, and a nice mix of people, some areas you need to avoid as all cities.

    West Wales is lovely to visit but if you don't have your own transport can be trying, and the locals are normally good if you can keep yourself to yourself.

    There is nothing wrong with where  live now. Super night life best transport system in the World super medical care. hot in sumer cold in winter I can ski less than an hour away in winter. swim in super lakes or so many free areas or cycle on of Europe's best river's 20 mins from my door. to Germany(Black forest) or the Black sea where it starts and flows out at. I can swim nude or clothed no one bats an eyelid. I can see over 20 castles in this city 15+ museums see the latest films in English talk and listen to many European languages. eat real food and learn to cook real food. have a 1 liter bottle of super quality wine for less than 2 euro. walk in the woods just a small bus ride or train ride away. don't have to wait any longer than 3 minutes in the day for super public transport. 8 mins at night till 2am the maybe 15 mins till 4 am normal starts just after 4am. the best coffee and cakes in the World.  30 mins by car to Hungary or Slovakia or 4-6 hours from the coast by car 3 hours from Italy 4 hours from Germany. with the best clean water in a tap tastes like nothing I have ever tasted in Britain, even better than some bottled water. Why do I want to live in the UK????

  12. I would love to live in London.  There are better job prospects, the night life is great, the culture up there is mixed, more museums e.t.c

    Where I live now

    The people are

    -Narrow minded

    -Too  much racism going on

    -Too many crazy religious nutters on the streets

    -Not many decent jobs going around

    -The crime rate is really high.  I can not tell you the amount of times I have seen someone get attacked for no reason.

    I live in Birmingham

  13. I live in rural Leicestershire and it is so dull and parochial and boring. I am moving up to Manchester in 2 weeks and I can hardly wait to be back where there is a nightlife and art galleries and gigs and there is never such a thing as a boring weekend!

  14. I live in Nottingham at the moment.

    Whats wrong with it I hear you ask? ahaha


    - Gun crime and crime as a whole

    - Amount of immigrants

    - No beach (yes this is a large issue for me)

    Where would I move to?

    Wales please - 2 years to go!

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