
UK - Insurance for Teenagers?

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Does anyone know where newly qualified drivers can take advantage of low insurance prices. I have tried a few of the price comparison sites, but find that the price of the insurance cover is more than the car.

If I purchased a car for about £800, how much should the insurance be. What is the cheapest way of buying it.

Is it better to Telephone a local Broker ?

Or online.




  1. It wont be cheap thats for sure. It cost more then my first cars value to insure it, and thats going back 15 year now. Should expect it will be worse for you now.

    Good luck

  2. Well you could register you car to your mum or dad (if they have a licence) and get insurance in their name with you as a named driver, this should lower your premium.

    A good company for young drivers is Quinn Direct - but if you have already tried comparison sites then they have probably already got you a quote from Quinn.

    When getting quotes try all levels if insurance (third party only, third party fire and theft and fully comp) as you may be surprised by the results.

    Good Luck!

  3. Typical situation you have like many other people,therefor,be patient and check out the resource here i found useful.

  4. To be perfectly honest, I think for anyone under 25, cheap insurance isn't going to happen because of the volume of claims that drivers within that age group make. The best you can hope for is that the price comparison site or broker that you approach will find you the cheapest for your age group. It is perfectly normal for younger drivers with low value cars to end up paying more than the value of the car in insurance costs. Even if a car is low value and the insurer wouldn't have to pay out much if you wrote it off, the insurer has to bear in mind that someone with a low value car can do just as much damage to a third party car or property than a high value one, and if you knock a pedestrian down, they can still sue you for the same amount as they can sue someone with a high value car for, so in that sense, the value of the car isn't going to make so much difference.

    I don't feel that a price comparison site or a broker will give you much of a different quote as they both compare many insurers so the price will be similar.

    The only way you can really get it cheaper is to register the car in your parents name and then get them to insure it and put you on as an extra driver, but a lot of insurers are wising up to that and working out their rates so that it doesn't make much of a difference. You will also find that a lot of insurers don't give no claim discount to named drivers, so if you do it that way, when you do eventually come to taking out insurance in your own name, you will more than likely start from scratch with no no claims discount, and still pay a fortune.

    It's difficult, and it will seem that you are being penalised for your age, but when you see it from the insurers point of view, you would understand. I have worked in insurance for 25 years and ever since I started, we have made a loss on under 25 year old drivers. The only reason we insure them at all is that if we refuse them, chances are that their family will also take their business away from us.

  5. Cheap Insurance & Teenager is an Oxymoron, you pay extorionate insurance because you are by far the most likley to have an accident due to absolutley no experience on the roads. It's not being ageist just a cold hard fact.

    To find the cheapest insurance then I personally would go online, that way you can get a number of quotes, and either print them out or download them and compare them in your own time, a telephone broker would try to sell there and then.

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