
(UK) Is it okay to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse?

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I just read online that tomatoes wont go red if they are kept above a certain temperature, its currently 100F in my greenhouse.

Will they be better off outside?




  1. Mine grow fine in the greenhouse.

  2. YEP,but water often

  3. Any tomatoes that are on the vine will ripen, or you can pull them and put them in a single layer in a brown paper bag with a banana..bananas will release ethylene gas which is a natural fruit ripening gas....Your tomatoes will probably get blossom drop, meaning any new flowers will drop off of the vine, but this is caused by steady temperatures over 80 degrees farenheit...When it cools back down later..the blossoms will remain on the vine and start to produce is a link on both situations I mentioned and pictures of my garden..Also it would help to put a circulating fan in the greenhouse temporarily for it will prevent any diseases caused by extreme heat..heres some links..

  4. Of course, it is not possible to maintain the entire greenhouse at exactly the specified range, and this is an advantage. For within each range, it is possible to provide widely different climatic conditions. When you run a check with several strategically placed thermometers, you will find that there are pockets, sections, corners, and high and low locations where the temperature varies five to ten degrees from the general setting. In these areas you can indulge yourself with a plant or two from the list recommended for the moderate greenhouse even though you run your house cool; or you can have success with plants on the moderate list although most of your plants are grown warm.

  5. Take some of them outside and see which ones do better, if you can't don't worry about it.

  6. Where do you think tomatoes are grown commercially?

    Give them time.

  7. That's a bit hot for them.  It's best to shade the greenhouse if it gets very hot.  Also, keep the inside damped down.  They'll ripen at any temperature, but if the plants are stressed, you won't get so many.

  8. Spray some of that white stuff on the windows of the greenhouse.

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