
UK: Is it possible to sleep in a garage (unheated) overnight without getting too cold and damp?

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I have a garage in a block of garages six miles from where I live, which I use for storing kit. It has no power but is not obviously damp. I would find it useful to be able to sleep in it one night every two months. There is room for a matress.

Would it be possible or sensible to put a mattress, some sheets, and some blankets in there, and sleep?

Obviously it won't be the ritz, and I would not be able to wash, but would it be possible to get any sleep or would there be problems etc.

Could I run an oil heater or something like that?





  1. its easily possible but there are some things you need to look at.  

    get OFF the ground. try and use a sleeping bag. any heating be careful with especially if it gives of fumes such as gas heaters. the  burnt gases lay near the floor and without good ventilation can  harm or kill somebody laying in them.

      you may also notice its noisy as there are no walls  or windows to reduce sound that infiltrate such  a building.

      a mattress will absorb  moisture and is not advisable use a fold up bed if possible and a sleeping bag which you can take  home and dry out and air etc.

    have  bottled water and a means of relieving self  too! in case you need to go urgently in early hours.

  2. Yea I would sleep in the garage if I wanted too.  I don't I would do it everynight.  You won't die or anything.  Or maybe buy a little battery powered heater.  People live on the streets and they don't die right away.  So I guess you could if you don't do it everynight.  I hope this helped you.  I really wish you end up sleeping in the garage.

  3. Yes, you can. Not sure of the legalities but you can sleep there.

    I wouldnt store a matress in there, it will get damp whatever, but perhaps a couple of hooks on the wall and a hamock? When you are going to sleep in there take a sleeping bag from your flat to sleep in. As for heater - for anything that burns - gas or oil, you need ventelation so dont use them and make sure you dont run a car in there the day you are going to sleep or you might kill yourself. You should be OK with a "3 season" or ,more sleeping bag for the whole year.

    Having said that about heaters, you should be OK to run a stove for about an hour to cook some dinner or some breakfast OK, just nithing all night

  4. I think thats illegal, cause i think the rent is supposed to be higher in a garage when it's counted as a "room".

    But none will catch you, but why do u wanna sleep in a d**n garage?

  5. people sleep on the streets

    so i guess it will be ok

  6. No. you will die in the night.

  7. nah i dont think u would die but it would be ***** freezin lol

    why do u wanna sleep in a garage anyway?? dont u have a house??

  8. Not a good idea really, and why do you want to is the question. If you put a heater in there and shut the door you will in fact be putting yourself in grave danger of being hurt, i suggest perhaps a proper bed is the place for sleep.

  9. get a camp bed warm sleeping bag  ull be fine take flask  of hot drink

  10. Why ask, just do it and find out.

    Buy a camping gaz. Put it on 'low light' but not so low. Also make sure that you don't put it anywhere that you could knock it over in your sleep also don't have paper or drying tea towels directly above it. You will be perfectly safe and it should do the trick. It won't warm up a garage but it will take the chill from the air.

  11. Can't see any problem with your idea.I'd forget the heater though.

    When I was going through a rough patch I even slept out doors in January.

  12. Get a camp bed or make sure the mattress is off the ground. As for the oil heater don't have it too close to the bed !! Otherwise not a problem, after all people camp in tents don't they.

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