
(UK) Is legal for a learner driver to have a passenger in the back of the car?

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Obviously they have a person will a full licence accompanying them in the front of the car. It was legal when I was a driving instructor some years ago, but I was wondering if the law has changed.




  1. Yes it is quite legal providing you have a fully licenced driver up front. A friendly word of warnig though, please ask the passenger to not talk to whilst you are driving. In my opinion this is very important.

    How are the little bunnies doing?.

  2. Yes. Person supervising must be in front but anyone can be in the back.

  3. Yes of course it is..that hasn't changed at all....but not always adviseable as there are many distractions, although as a former driving instructor you will know all that.

  4. Yep it is..........

  5. Still legal, mate.

  6. Its allowed mate.

  7. Yes,you can even have back seat passengers with you whilst taking your driving test.

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