
UK: Is the Daily Mail the new MacDonalds?

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Whenever anyone wanted to demonstrate againt whatever, and the obligitary riot ensued, it would be MacDonalds that would get their windows smashed first. MacDonalds became the symbol of anyone who had a chip on their shoulder about anything. Now, it seems, it's the "Daily Mail". If you disagree with anyone on here or elswhere about, say, immigration policies etc, then low and behold the "Daily Mail" words are always seemingly mentioned. The liberal luvvies love to use it as a term of offence




  1. Ugh yes but I'd say that the SUN is worse than the Daily mail, for use of nasty fonts and wierd people

  2. Spot on..both serve crapp disguised as decent

  3. You mean full of c**p?  Possibly, I don't read it.

  4. i think so. i dont read it either but my mum and dad do, and believe nearly everything in it

  5. Well, you can please some of the people all of the time etc etc.

    I don't find newspapers very relevant any more. too many opinions. Not enough reporting.

    We can make our own minds up.

  6. I'd have to say yes:

    Composed of fat, gristle and offal and not much real substance at all.

    It's ChavChic.

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