
UK LLB to American LLM?

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Hey, I have a few questions:

1. Is is possible for me to do an LLB in england and then go straight for an LLM in america or canada?

2. Is it possble for me to do an LLB in england and then work in america or canada?

3. Is it possble for me to do an LLM and an LLB in england and work in america or canada?

4. Is it possble for me to do an LLB in england and an LLM in america or canada and work in england?

5. What are the best universities in england to do an LLB if i would like to do an LLM at Oxbridge, Harvard or Columbia university?




  1. You can do an LLB in England and then apply to an American LLM program (which takes 1 year) then take another coruse for another year (in the UK it is the LPC or BVC i'm unsure of their's) but after that you can practise as a lawyer.

    The English degree's always hold a high status so i would go for one of them if it was me but i know other lawyers from newzeland have came over and practised in the UK so it will most likely be possible to do the LLB elsewere and transfer.

    There are issues like visa's you need to deal with.

    Also you need to re-think your universities again unless you are related to the prime minister or the top number one student out of your entire school you won't get into oxbrige it is VERY hard. Try the university of Essex or the university of Hull or nottigham they are also hard to get into but much better chance of getting in.

  2. All of these answers are in regard to the U.K./U.S. and not Canada.

    1) Yes it is possible, but not easy. First you would need to complete the LL.B. and then apply to law schools. Gaining admission to a law school in the U.S. is a long and rocky process - take a look at the entry and admission requirements for the law schools you are interested in.

    Furthermore, if you are accepted into a U.S. law school you will receive what is known as an I-20 and with this you then must apply for an F-1 (student visa) at the U.S. Embassy in London before you can attend said Law School.

    2) No - An LL.B. is not an appropitate degree to practice law in the States and in addition to the earning the necessary degree (LL.M/J.D.) you need to pass further exams such as the Bar and MPRE before you can legally practice law in a state - each state in the U.S. as different legal requirements which must be met.

    3) Yes. If you do your LL.B. and then LL.M you will be able to work in the States but you will still be required to take addional classes in certain areas of law as these do differ from U.K. law. Furthermore you would still have to pass the exams and legal requirements as explained in my answer your second question. In addition to this you would require a law firm or company to sponsor your work visa - without this visa you would not be permitted to work in the States.

    4) Yes but there may be restrictions impossed on what areas of law you can practice, the advice you can give to clients and where you can practice. To life these restrictions you would have to further your LL.M. in the U.K.

    5) Something you will have to research yourself.

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