
UK NHS Constitution - did you know that the consultation period had already started - you have until Oct 17th?

by  |  earlier

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Well you might have done.

But if not it's at

I really haven't seen this widely advertised though!




  1. I do watch the news everday

    I didn't know about htis at all.


  2. Like everything about the NHS from a government standpoint its kept virtually under wraps. Like the unpalatable fact that it will be all eventually privatised, and its been happening for a long time. They won't tell you that simply because its more than a hot potato.

    Three of our local GP's practises have been privatised, taken over by a multi national US health care company who incidentally are under investigation in the US for fraud. And even though thousands of signatures were collected from patients and doctors alike against them being privatised the PCT went ahead anyway.  So nothing surprises me anymore, its a sad day when we all have paid into a system that will effectively disappear in mine or my children's lifetime.

    I didn't watch it, but i have seen both sides of private and NHS and can honestly say prefer in all aspects NHS.

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