
UK Overstayed visitors Visa Waiver and lost my passport (stolen) Will they know when I get replacement?

by  |  earlier

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I am a United States Citizen and have Been in the UK for 7 months on a 6 month visitor visa waiver, not allowed to work or receive benefits. (overstayed 1 month)

I had my passport stolen last week in a home burglary, I have an appointment to go to the US London Embassy for a replacement passport, will they issue a new visa too for 6 months or will they know that I overstayed and send me back to USA? If so how soon can I come back? do they ask any awkward questions?

I noticed that they do not check the passports electronically like they do in the US; there is only the stamp in the stolen passport that says when I arrived here.and there is no card to fill in for the visa waiver either; how will anyone know that I overstayed without checking airline tickets etc.

Any tips, help or advice will be greatly appreciated.




  1. The U.S. Embassy in London may assist you in obtaining a new passport, but they do not enforce British Immigration laws.  I would not expect them to report you to the British.

    Obtaining new documentation from the British will depend on you and your efforts with them; not the U.S. State Dept.  The sooner you work to legalize yourself there the better.

  2. yes they will know, because ? how would you have entered the UK without a passport? therefore it will be checked,

    one must not ever overstay a visitor (holiday)visa.

    your outgoing from the US was checked because of your airlines ticket even if you did not have your passport checked going out or coming into the UK, nowadays? the UK and US as always , have tight electronic communications.

    good luck anyway.

    that is all i can say to you......

  3. Let us get one thing straight.When you left the US your passport was scanned and you went into the system,when you arrived in the UK they knew you were coming.You are trying to pull a clever or not so clever scam forget it and return home,they have heard it all before.Even so they are able to check the passenger manifest on the aircraft you arrived on.Because you have overstayed and intend telling them lies they will for a better phrase mark your card buddy.

  4. They know when you arrived, but you could have left (by train, or through the chunnel for example) and returned.  They could figure it out if they wanted, but I don't think anyone really cares about a one month overstay unless you are doing something hinky.

    Still, I'd probably ask the U.S. consul what to do about replacing your visa when you pick up your new passport.   Maybe you should think about an overnight in France.

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