
UK - Parking Restrictions - if a road says permit holders only?

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but a outside a block of flats it just says residents parking only then can i get in **** for parking outside there?




  1. Yes, you could possibly be clamped or fined.

  2. are there parking bays, time plates? if so i wouldn't take a chance.

  3. They'll know 'cos you don't have a residents permit!

  4. tuff one, is it a private car park? or just on road parking?

    if a resident makes a phone call on ya car then yes you will get done for it.  if a permit is required and you dont have one then yes you will get caught.

    however, if you are a visitor, the you may not.

    each residnet will most likely have their own space so if they catch you in theres, be prepared for the worst.

  5. Traffic Wardens suck ****! I mean its a ****ty job. anyway you know what id do.....try it test the ***tards out! No seriously they check the plates so its probably a better idea to park four million miles away.........s***w that girl try it!

  6. If you have a residents parking permit then you will be OK, if not it could be a fine to unclamp or find the towaway pound.

  7. I don't see the difficulty here - if it says "permit holders only", then only permit holders can park there.

    Or am I missing something?

  8. Yes you can - LadyBadLuck

  9. To be honest, the only problems you should face are from angry residents.  If there is ample parking, go ahead lol.  You wont get a parking ticket.  I work in a hospital, where they are charging for parking now so staff are beginning to park in side streets.  I've heard stories of residents damaging cars etc for parking in their street.  If you do park there, just be careful lol

  10. Firstly you are taking the proverbial by wanting to park in a residents (public or private) area without the correct permit (they cost money) or living in the flats (it's included in the maintenance and/or price of flat.

    However, if the bays outside the flat have numbers on them then this means they are allocated.  Also, though the cars may not have permits in them it is highly likely that the managing agents or parking enforcement have a list of residents' registration numbers.

    Don't be a pain and find a proper public parking space like everyone else or buy/rent a flat in the area and get your parking permit like everyone else.

  11. It means you need a residents parking permit.

    You might get clamped on a residents bay in a housing estate.

  12. What? Don't understand

  13. When a parking permit is used it is registered to a certain flat and vehicle.  Traffic Wardens through their office have access to the relevant databases.

    If the incorrect registration number comes up that vehicle will get a parking ticket/fine.

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