
UK Postcode Database?

by  |  earlier

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Who do i need to contact to get my house number associated with its postcode and included in the national postcode database, the place where i live was converted a few years ago and it was 80 xxxxxx and now its been split into 80A and 80B. 80A is in the database when anyone searches but not mine, ive even been asked to check my address because some people simply cant believe its not there, it causes me problems with mail and all sorts of things.

anyone ? ?





  1. Around here it was the District Council, or it was a few years ago when we had problems with a newly built property. Apparently they issue postcodes, though how it gets from them to the Royal Mail's database is beyond me, I'm afraid.

  2. yes, it's your local council's responsibility to confirm any new or changed addresses to Royal Mail. If you search your council web-site, you should find a contact number.
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