Heyyy.. Ok so at school every year has a locker area. At the end of ours is a storage room.
At the top of the storage room there is a like a vent/hatch on the facing wall.
Me and my friends often have fun throwing things into it, from wads of paper towels to soap. So, we decided to climb up the stacks of toilet paper and shined a light into the hatch. It was really freaky an incredibly dusty and old looking. It would have been through both world wars.
It was like a room which was really long and it had a low ceiling. On the left was some pipes with a hole behind which prob leads to other rooms? Anyway the room had a small dip in the middle. Right at the very end, it was hard to see because it was so far down there was like a wall which if u turn the corner seems like it leads to another room.
Me and my friends have also investigated under the stage, which seems nearly exactly the same as this room.
So what do you think?? What were these rooms used for?