
UK/USA Immigration Exchange?

by  |  earlier

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I understand it's the same coming to USA but I think my question was worded wrong so I'll reword it --

With the US and UK being so close history-wise and with their close relations why, of any pair of nations in the world, is it so hard for it's legal citizens esp those born in those nations, to move amongst the two? Maybe both nations are afraid of losing control to the other (if swamped by the other's people)?




  1. Your story is so sad, and you are being treated so unfairly.

    Britain has allowed herself to be flooded with immigrant's legal and ill eagle, to the point that Britain is bursting at the seems with problem's.

    Even the true Brit's are not getting the care and attention they deserve, they are at the end of a very big line, of ie: radical extremist Muslim's, who are mobbing and rioting in the street's, screaming and yelling, death to the British and American soldier's, and amazingly they seem to take priority over our, school leaver's and our old folk's, homeless, ect, ect, ect, who are crying out for help, and there doesn't seem to be any in sight for the near future. France is mostly to blame for the problem's in the UK, because for years and years they have turned a blind eye to all the ill eagles, thousand's and thousand's of them who flood through the channel tunnel every day.

    It's the same scenario that is happening here in America, with the Mexican border, and to some extent the Canadian border.

    Both our government's have their heads up their @$$e$, and they need to get these problem's sorted ASAP.

    The mind certainley does boggle, as to, what the h**l is going on????.

  2. Become a Muslim . . . you'll get right in.

  3. Paint your face black, say you're from somewhere in Africa, and you will get anything you want!

  4. celtic_s makes a good point.  It is not easy for a Brit to get a work visa in the US either.  A lot depends on how badly a company wants to hire you.

  5. As I understand things, it's not simply a case of signing my name on a piece of paper if I wish to work in the USA.

    In answer to your question, I have no idea.

  6. on the flipside i have the same problem ive been looking to move over to the us from the uk for a long while now and it seems if your not a brain surgeon or you dont a six figure sum every year then its rather difficult.good luck in the future hope everything works out.

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