
(UK) When was the last time you used a pubplic phone box?

by  |  earlier

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I just realised last time I used one was easily 10 years ago.

I dont even know where my nearest one is.




  1. Last night my mobiles battery was flat time before that about 12 years ago

  2. That's wierd. I have't used one for about 6-8 years!

  3. I used one as a toilet just the other week, the person using the phone wasn't too happy. there main use now is so drug addicts can call there dealers

  4. When i think of a public phonebox i think of horrible germs from all the people that use them........eeeeewww

  5. about 2/3 years...

  6. years ago and that was after trying three that were vandalised. Eventually succumbed to getting a mobile afterwards.

  7. yesterday

  8. Like you said when was the last time I saw a Phone booth.

  9. about six years ago? haha

  10. Last week. Batteries flat in my mobile.

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