
UK Yahoo Users... Is there anyone behind you, right now that shouldn't be?

by  |  earlier

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A Strange Reflection in a mirror?

A Strange Noise?

Something Just on the edge of your vision, that you can't quite see?





  1. mrs snoring but that's not strange to me lol,!!

  2. i hope not, im sat with my back to a wall lol, either that or its slimer from the ghostbusters

  3. Stop it. You've really scared me now.

    Ive just put the big light on. x*x

  4. No but there are some strange noises in the kitchen and an even stranger pain in My toe. I am going to bed now because I can't take the excitement of 4 snoring dogs and a fish tank bubbling away .

    Nitenite fellow Brits x wake me at 9 with a cup of tea and a big hug :)

  5. nope.....well 2 look

  6. i was goin to answer this Q whn u first psted, an was up feeding the baby, but as i glanced beind me, i coulld see a shape of a man. i swear i absolutly s**t myself.

    i jumped so much i scared the baby!

    i got up and moved my *** so quick back in too the bedroom, leaving the comp and tv on!

    but nw its almost 6 amnd ot dark, i am brave enu too answer you!

    i am a woos i know, but i swear there was someone i the far corner of the living room, watching me, it was dark, (except tv & comp glow) so's ot clear but it was defo a shape of a man, lurking in the corner!

    maybe i have a ghost stalker!

  7. yes! (please help me)

    will some one tell my dad to stop walking past and lingering?

  8. yes i always have 3 people following me. i knew this when i thought i was going to die in a horrific car crash a few years ago but i saw my grandad who died when i was 7, I'm now 29. this was confirmed by a psychic i went to see a few years back.

    again this happened by a blind psych who told me of my boyfriend who died,(not related to the car crash) even more scary she told me what he was wearing! it fitted the clothes he was buried in!!!! he was holding my baby who died 8yrs ago! she said they are always with me but i know that. as i am writing this i have chills running the length of my body!

  9. no, luckily for me there is nothing lurking behind me. and yes, of course now I'm going to have to actually turn around and make sure. dang

    pheww, nothing there!

  10. :o

    yes... my Gerard Way Poster  :O

    dun dun daa

    < _ >  ;

  11. Scarily enough, as I read that my floor creaked :S

  12. sometimes i see puff of smoke and when i look directly ad it. it disappears.

  13. People always do this when I'm on webcam or something :( Once someone print screened it because there was a dark figure behind me. I would show but I'm not sure I can find the picture again. Thanks for the comfort cuddles. :)

  14. Yes, its very confortable its called a couch, and its not really in my vision, but my *** seems to like it

  15. yer my dad

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