
UK citizens are getting kicked in the teeth by the Govt more and more - when will the nation revolt??

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Every year all that seems to happen is:

- More people in debt

- Crime up

- Health service in tatters

- Superbugs out of control (MRSA etc)

- Stealth taxes at every corner

- No control on illegals + asylum seekers

- Gangs controling cities instead of police

- Proposed ID cards

- Street names in Arabic

- 17 year old girl with 3 kids

I think this country has been on a road to ruin for a while now but sadly it's gone too far down that road to turn back.

I believe it's time to have a bit of heart and revolt - at least try and make this country GREAT again.

Why do we just sit back and let ourselves be dealt all this c**p??




  1. poor boy welcome to the FREE WORLD blame your own generation for the crime not the government, if you are to lazy to work but want to live the high life what do you do you steal and sell drugs.

    You cant blame the Government for the death yesterday of a boy in Liverpool, shot & killed by a 13 year old on a BMX push bike.

    Pity military conscription is not brought back in to take the riff-raff (white as well as coloured") off the streets, a couple of years stationed in Iraq and Afganistan would soon cop them on!!

  2. If the first item on this Governments manifesto had been, "nuke Britain", they would still have voted 'Labour', because they would rather die than vote 'Tory'. In a nutshell, that is the sort of mindset that you are dealing with.

  3. If only a third can be ar*ed to vote, what chances have you got of people revolting? The BNP are the only ones revolting! lmao

  4. Some of us are revolting already.  Take your simplistic right wing c**p and see if you can sell it to Boris Johnson.

  5. The peasants are revolting.

  6. You forgot the Smoking Ban in pubs and clubs.

    I have been asking the same question for a while. Those who can, leave. The rest just sit on their and moan. Its not the governments fault. Its ours. The government know that they can do anything they want and we will just take it.

  7. -You forgot to mention 'congestion' charging.

    -Changing bin collections to every 2 weeks (saving a fortune for local authorities)

    -not being able to park ANYWHERE without paying

    -The proposed 'pay as you throw' scheme for refuse collections

    -More cctv cameras than almost anywhere else in the world.

    -being lied to by our own government as to why we went to war with Iraq.

    The reason there's not a revolution is because there is no 'society' anymore. Everyone looks after number one.

    Therefore the government will never be bothered about a single protester, like Brian Haw, who's been camped outside parliament for the last few years. If there was 250000 people outside parliament every day throwing rocks then there would probably be some swift changes in our degenerate country.

  8. The only answer to this question is at the ballot box. The Govermnent over time will allow all the asylum seekers and immigrants to vote keeping this Corrupt  and Stalinist Government in power for ever. Hopefully the British public will wake up soon to see what is happening to our country and throw them out for good at the next general election.

  9. I for one,totally agree that this once great country of ours has gone to the dogs,[or more to the point,the immigrants]but unfortunately,nothing will ever be done about it.

    As for a revolt,wont happen,for one thing,we are outnumbered by immigrants,working and not,that think its great here,money,housing,their rights more than ours etc,as for us,we"ve become a nation of bar room winge"ers.

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