
UK> what is the strongest painkillers i can get without prescription?

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UK> what is the strongest painkillers i can get without prescription?




  1. Marijuana

  2. Usually the drugs sold behind the counter at a pharmacy are stronger than what's on the shelf. Sometimes you might be asked to fill out a form with your details so they can make sure you're not an addict or something but you can buy them without a prescription.  

  3. heroin is a painkiller but its illegal and dangerous anyway pain killers are normally the same jus the way your body reacts with it

  4. ibuprofen - its spelt wrong. Got to the chemist and they will show you

  5. Co-codamol.

    A combination of codeine and paracetamol.

  6. might be able to get codine form chemist without prescription

  7. Paracetamol

  8. Cocodamol - watch it though, too high a dosage you will be KO'd

  9. Get some thing with codine and ibrobufen in them, this is what I use for my migranes when I haven't got any prescriptions left.

    you can get them over the counter in boots. Paramol and Syndol.

    Speak the them and they can advise what would suit you best for the pain.

  10. Nurofen Plus. It has codeine and ibuprofen in it.

  11. Go to Lloyd's pharmacy and ask for there version of feminex, its that same stuff but half the price it is a mixture of codeine and paracetamol... VERY strong

  12. Ibuprofen, naproxen and paracetamol. Codeine should be avoided as it contributes little to pain relief and has significant side effects.

  13. Ibuprofen is a right answer but if there is something serous why you don’t go to your gp?

  14. good luck with that...

    i dont think there is anything stong enough that isnt a prescription. =/

    but when im in pain and i dont have any vicodin i take advil migraine

  15. in spain i got hold of somethingg with a wacking great dose of codeine (30mg) and paracetamol (675mg) when i had  knee injury. here in the uk then co- codamol (codeine 8mg and paracetamol 500mg)  or the neurofen plus is about the strongest.

    it is actually ok to take ibuprofen (up to 600mg) and paracetamol (up to 500mg) together, so long as you folow the other guidelines on the packaging. ibuprofen and paracetamol work on different pain receptors so having them both doesn;t OD you. make sure you follow packet instruction though. theres a website below  maybe helpful.

  16. I am not from the UK, but it's my understanding that codeine may be available OTC in the UK.  It's still important to consult a doctor about pain, especially if your symptoms don't improve.    

  17. Paramol are the strongest painkillers available without a prescription but they are commonly abused so be prepared for a lot of questions from your pharmacy. It also depends on the type of pain you have because if it is an inflammatory condition then ibuprofen and codeine would be better

  18. probably just ibuprofen and paracetemol

  19. I usually find co-codemol or solpedine are quite good.

  20. Nurofen plus. It's the strongest without prescription. It has an extra ingredient.  

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