
UK>Is the landlord ever liable to pay for o/s bills if the tenants move out without paying?

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UK>Is the landlord ever liable to pay for o/s bills if the tenants move out without paying?




  1. No the company will just hire a debt collection agency to find there new address and hound them to pay!

  2. let's hope not.

  3. In the US they aren't

  4. Classy Granny is wrong!

    In The US landlords are liable for Water and Sewer fees in North Carolina.

  5. No.

    Ah BUT, this is in the UK not USA see beginning of question.

  6. As long as the utility bills are in the tenants name then no. Just make sure as soon as they leave you contact all utilities.

    This is UK law, why people do not read the question, why would the posted want to know about the us?

  7. As long as the bills were in the tenant's name- No the landlord is not liable.

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