
UK immigration?

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ok brits, what is your opinion on the level of immigration in our country?

I'm NOT looking to incite racial hatred so no ignorance please :)

Its clearly a messy issue that everyone fears talking about. I want to know how you feel about what political correctness has become, and whether you feel BEING AGAINST SUCH HIGH IMMIGRATION automatically makes you appear racist?

Ideas on how a country can still celebrate it's culture proudly, whilst still being hospitable to a multicultural society?




  1. I am a white British born Brit. I was taken to Africa by my parents when I was 12 and now I have returned,30 years later and I experience discrimination so do not feel special my friend. The Brits are mostly ignorant and arrogant but I trust they will learn over time in my case. Either way,I don't give a F"*K because I know who and what I am.

  2. Your Q actually highlights the problem, immigration and racism are two different issues. Given that the majority of recent immigrants are european (white) and to a degree, for that matter, Christian, in mho racism has no part to play in the debate. Taking immigration as the first issue, the numbers coming here are simply too high, and this has occurred in a relatively short time period..The demand on our services, eg, health, housing and education has caused significant problems in particular geographical areas. The sheer weight of numbers is the problem, nothing was put in place in advance of this influx. This is not a racist view, simply one of common sense and forward thinking/planning.

    Racism is a much thornier issue, this island has a history of of accepting all races, granted some more quickly than others, but accepted they became.

    You ask "how a country can still celebrate it's culture proudly, whilst still being hospitable to a multicultural society?" Therein lies the problem, there is no "culture" in a multicultural society, how can there be? It is an amalgam, a melting pot, with each "culture" demanding it's rights. Given the current (last 30yrs) political ideology of socialist totalitarianism, every man jack of us is more entitled to "our rights" than to accept responsibility for the "whole".This is precisely what happens when we allow those who govern us to have complete control over us, it is not called political correctness for nothing!

    Standing up for your historical past and culture, both good and bad, is not racism, at the end of the day it is what attracted the migrants here.

    Being told that the culture and demands of others far outweigh yours, is what is causing the problem.

    Solution? Welcome all who wish to embrace who and what this country is all about, if they wish to re-create the culture they chose to leave, go back, they are not welcome. We must stand up for our country, we are not, and never should be, apologists.

    Successive governments have denigrated and undermined this country to such an extent that we dare not speak out for fear of being branded "racist", how well that suits them who have sold this once proud country down the river for a handful of silver.

    If fearing for my country's future makes me a racist, and I include everyone who regards themselves as British, (so non pc) then brand me as such. What is in a name?

  3. I think this question is really good. nWhat makes me angry is that if we do say things like too many foreigners it is classed as racist. I have friends who are spanish My Dad is english and my Mother is Portugese. I think the goverment have made us so negative they have allowed to many people into this Country it is now becoming stupid.

    If there wern't so many people in this Country and having their OWN communties, OWN schools etc there would not be a problem. Fair enough they come here to work etc but I don't like it when they come here but have there own schools and things like that. Why bother come here when you want to be with people from your own Country. They say WE are racist how racist is that??

  4. I am not afraid of being labelled a racist. This great country of ours has given a great deal to the world. As part of that we had the biggest empire the would has ever seen.  As a result of THAT we have a lot of people of all colours & creeds who are entitled to be in this country. It is the eastern europeans who have NO history with us. It is the people who are entitled to be here who do not integrate into our culture. It is the people who wish to change our country to be like the  one that they don't want to live in. they are the ones who really get up my nose and who make me want to scream.

    Thanks for that question. my answer made me feel a bit better to have got it off my chest

  5. time it was stopped , there are to many here, and most are not working, just getting hand outs, and being given more that a brit is,

    if saying the truth makes me a racist, then i am, but the rot has to be stopped, before we end up with road signs in every language but english

  6. this country is not big enough to allow any more people in. the population of france is the same as uk but france is 6 times bigger.  france still has quality life, uk hasnt. we are over run with immigrants. a ten minute drive now takes  thirty minutes. a hospital appointment means a waiting list. try to have a baby and you are on a waiting list for a midwife. how much worse can it  get before we open our eyes. all i can say is ***** the immigrants. lets have our country back.

  7. Britons need to quit being panty waist wimps and stand up to foreigners disrespecting their homeland; pathetic.

  8. my fathers best friend has worked all his life from the age of 14 and never claim anything, Always paid his taxes and never once borrowed.. But 9 months ago he had a accident on his way home from work..  after an operation the doctor said he cannot work for at least 10 months to a year but he went back to work after just 3 as he rather work then claim .... He cannot work the hours he used to so he did claim alittle working tax credit until he was fit to work more hours. But he needed to sell his car { Escort Convertible }  .  A legal immigrant came and ask him to phone a number he had as they will pay if he calls with the details of the car. This he did.. and basically it was dartford DDS and yes they sent a check out but to my dads friends horror his working tax credit was stopped as he had now got a some of money in his bank..            

              now is that fair.?????????????

  9. Immigration from the commonwealth was introduced in the fifties by employers wanting cheap labour , as our men folk were   depleted by  WW 11 , this latest influx is for the same reason but this time they have really messed us up for many generations. We have imported people with a religion so diametrically opposed to our confrontation is inevitable,  Add to that a sinister PC brigade that tries to crush all opposition to our society and culture being destroyed by hitting us with racism . we have become so brainwashed as to be frightened to shout opposition to all that is going on . Our right to free speech has been bastardised so we are unable to protest . Nowhere in the world would put up with this . Our cousins in Australia have refused to be blackmailed by this and have bought in draconian rules governing immigration . Good on you cobber at least something of our great society will survive

  10. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland,

    It's mainly in England,

  11. Purely on the jobs front, it has been a very worrying trend for 20 years or more. I blame both the Tory and the Labour govts for allowing this trend to continue unchecked. Though I understand there are signs of some Polish and Rumanian returning home, I believe that we are still taking in more than are returning home. The worry to me mainly is jobs, and with GB being in the grips of recession / credit crunch - call it what you will, it makes me wonder how the trend can continue when we can't even give employment to British born and bred people.

    I hate to say this, but it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better until the govt stop this tide of people coming in AND reverse the flow also. How much worse it's going to get, I don't know.

  12. With the economy in its current state the number of migrants into the country will be reduced anyway.... after all they are looking to make money and if there isn't any jobs they aren't going to want to come to this country

  13. I think it's too high and the amount of illegal immigrates in the country who somehow seem to have the same rights as me are destroying our economy.

    Edit: Can I just say one more thing? The fact is if we get any more immigrants, the UK will totally loose it's culture. Sure the national food is Curry and Rice atm compared to Fish and Chips 10 years ago.

  14. I'm okay with our level of immigration. And the immigrant population is a lot less than many other countries including France, Spain, and Germany . Most immigrants are honest hard-working friendly people who contribute to society. There will always be those who don't, but read a newspaper and you'll see British people who are like this too.

    And I thought the message about Muslims being hate filled was funny. The religion responsible for by far the most post-war attacks and deaths in UK was Christian (the IRA). And it's ironic that they complain about hate when their message is full of hate!

  15. I think that we are all immigrants as there can't be many people who have a truly british bloodline. I think it's a natural progression which has happened throughout history where either individual people or ethnic groups have migrated around the world, it's been going on for centuries. Also, if I lived in a country where I did not have the opportunities I could have elsewhere and want a better standard of living for myself or family then I would move. Also, I don't see much difference between some one moving over from poland  to find work and the many people who move over to dubai to earn lots of money tax free and have a high standard of living which a lot of young professionals are choosing to do now. Also as far as immigrants having more rights than british nationals, people shouldn't believe everything they read in the daily mail!

  16. You've got it in a nut shell, people are afraid to say something as they will automatically be branded a racist. Where I live I used to know most people by sight if not name. Now when I speak to people that I do know, they all say exactly the same. I live in a small town which is now full of immigrants and I often wonder where they all live. When I go to the doctors the waiting room is full of them. When I walk through the town they just seem to walk around aimlessly as there are no jobs for them as a lot can't speak English. Who is funding their housing and feeding them, as all we are told is that they are an asset. ASSET!

  17. It's a thorny issue, no doubt, and one which has become highly politicised to the point where there's a danger of being caricatured either way. Say any little thing in favour of immigration and you're a left-leaning pinko liberal, anything against it and you're a BNP-loving rabid racist.

    What we need is a clear and unemotive discussion of the facts as they are - how much capacity the country can feasibly take, and how we can ensure that the population doesn't rise above a level beyond that which its infrastructure can cope with.

    I do feel, however, that there is a degree of racism underlying a great deal of the anti-immigration rhetoric. Take my family, for example - largely working or lower-middle class, live entirely in a white area... hardly ever seen or been inconvenienced by an immigrant in their life, yet violently opposed to immigration.

    All too often, people choose their stance based on core emotion - the fear that arises from ignorance and prejudice, for example - then find the facts to justify that afterwards.

    That said, I'm very aware that this is a densely-populated island nation which can only take so many people from a purely logistical point of view. It's easy to be accused of racism over this, but I think it makes perfect sense to always have a close eye on your borders and know who's in the country.

  18. Too high... Last year 500 people entered the country more than left per day giving an population increase of 182,500 through immigration alone. Plus there is the natural increase to consider as well. Plus there isnt enough jobs for all these immigrants never mind our own selves.
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