
UK only. What are the advantages to my employer for instigating four weekly payment of wages?

by  |  earlier

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I've been paid four weekly by a previous employer and it sucks! I have to pay most of my household bills (council tax, gas and electric, water rates etc monthly and there are often discrepancies between the dates leaving me penniless or even in arrears for which I suffer punitive bank charges.




  1. 1. the employer get to keep more money in the bank to earn interest.

    2. the workers can be given short notices to leave, without having to pay them a 1-month in-lieu.

    3. it's their way of telling you to get a real job that pays you real money monthly.

    4. they think this will hold you down to the job, 'cos it leaves you very little option to do what you want.

    5. it makes them feel like the boss & you're the miserable slave waiting for handouts.

    6. they're just as miserable as you are, but they need someone more miserable around to make them feel better.

    7. the people who pays them, pays them weekly (weakly), so they're just passing on the buck to you.

    8. they can't count in big numbers, that's why they have to break it down in order to manage it.

    9. they get to see their pretty accountants every week.

    10. they're having fun with your money safe in their pockets.

    hope these reasons are fun enough to keep you amused till next week's payday... lol... cheer up dude! life need not be always a lemon... :D

  2. I don't think that there are any advantages to your employers unless you are going from weekly paid to 4 weekly pay, in which case they will gain one months interest from their bankers (and you don't). But, it's horses for courses really. My employer moved us from 4 weekly to monthly pay, and I wish that they hadn't! Being paid 4 weekly means that you are paid 13 times a year rather than 12. That means that you get a 'free' month effectively because all of your direct debits are paid 12 times a year. Sure, you have to remember to have enough when all the bills are due on their set days.

  3. your employer saves money and it makes it easier for them

  4. It makes it easier for your employer and he may get interest while the payroll is in the bank awaiting payment

    I prefer 4 weekly as it means you get 13 pays a year and one is free as you don't need to pay your direct debits etc off it

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