
(UK only). Will our fat lazy press now leave Gordon Brown alone ?

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It is the 11th. anniversary of Princess Diana's terrible crash.

The press normally leave politicians alone for three months whilst they try to find easy stories of the late and sorely missed Princess.

This is what Politicians rely on.




  1. so you think the fat lazy presss should leave gordon alone.well let me tell you if it wasn't for the fat lazy press we wouldnt know what our sleazy politicians &councilors was up brown going to the olympics. paid for out of the taxes and our derisory state pension.while pensioners and low paid are strugling to pay for the high cost of living.he can swan off to the get of ouyr box

  2. They would be fat and lazy to run the Diana story (again).  Brown is still in office and is hence newsworthy.  And he is a complete oaf of near Prescottian proportions.  Stay on the case, I say.  Least we forget at election time.

  3. yes quite---they must look forward to this time of year when they can look over old stories and cobble them together to like like new.Oh--hang on a minute---don't the gutter press do that a lot of the time anyway ?

  4. Gordon Brown has wasted millions of Tax Payers money over the last few  years  and sent millions abroad in aid ,to country's with corrupt  leaders, and its not spent on the people. We pay  nearly double now for Petrol & Diesel.We are   taxed through the roof, council tax increases income tax ,so called green tax and many new stealth taxes that Brown has sneaked in.

  5. Why should Brown be left alone ??

    He should be even more closely scrutinised because he, along with his partner in crime B-Liar, has totally screwed over the UK during the past 11 years.  Even their "new" labour supporters have found them out and are abandoning the party in their droves, like rats leaving a sinking ship.  It is only the die hard, dim witted, totallly brainwashed solcialists of old that still cling on to the belief that "Labour" is "for the working man" LOL !! - Incredible !!

    As for Diana - she was a tart and the B-Liar/Brown governments have wasted MILLIONS of taxpayer pounds on their endless "inquiries/inquests.  It's time we forgot about her and also buried the New Labour government !!

  6. Gordon Brown must never be let off the hook. Do you think the fat lazy excuse for a prime minister would ever leave the poor hard pressed tax payer alone? Not a chance if he thinks he can tax us some more! Message to the press, shred the gurning oaf!

  7. I hope the press pull Brown to pieces,he as about as much use as a chocolate ladder

  8. wow 11 years it also happened on a sunday mornin i remember so yes old gordon might have a break.....didnt he just have a break by means of the olympics

  9. Sarah Palin was journalist who worked for the French Paparazzi while she was pregnant with her daughter's baby in 1998. She drove a white Fiat.

  10. ya

  11. Well I dont see why our fat lazy press should leave him alone do you?

    The economy is in a downward spiral his own chancellor of the exchequer has basically called him a liar, repossessions are at an all time high, redundancies becoming the norm - again - so please tell me why the grey muttering one who doesnt have a clue should be left alone please?

    And for heavens sake - whats with the Diana thing again.  She died.  It was a shame.  But this was someone running around with a damned playboy, eschewing the use of a seatbelt in a high speed chase.

    She stuck her two fingers up at this country with her antics and now we are supposed to lionise her?  Call her tragic?  Well maybe she was, but not for the reasons that the world thinks.

    Its been 11 years.  Let the woman lie in peace for gods sake and lets move on.

  12. When papers are still being bought by the crowd and money can be made, people with mortgages will still try to find a story and take a picture.  Just the same as while desperate people will cut down a tree to light a fire, to cook their last meal...  Sorry for us all, but not so sorry for Charlie and really really not sorry for Camilla.

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