
UK only please. Would/do you support the breakup of the United Kingdom?

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UK only please. Would/do you support the breakup of the United Kingdom?




  1. No.

  2. Only if I thought that it would be advantageous for this to happen at the moment I don't.

  3. Historically the UK was cobbled together against the will of the people of it's constituent parts.

    Wales was surrounded by Norman castles to keep control of the people who did not want to become part of England.  The Prince of Wales is a k***t and not Welsh.

    Scotland has been raped by the English for over 200 years.  Thankfully they finally got their parliament back and look set to take their freedom back too.  Good for them.

    In Ireland in c1916 the people took to the streets of Dublin and began a revolution against British rule there.  All this eventually lead to the creation of the Irish Republic etc blah.

    We now have a situation here in UK where everyone has either got an assembly or a parliament except the English.

    What are the English going to do about that?

  4. No, certainly not, we are the British Isles!!!!! and we want to remain as such!!!!

  5. Yes, as anyone who's seen some of my other answers will know already.

    Scotland was coerced into political Union by threats and bribery. Not for nothing is the last independent Scottish Parliament referred to as 'that parcel of rogues.' The Union was not popular at the time; it is not exactly universally popular now. Scotland got shafted, and it's only coming up to time to redress the balance.

    As a small historical point, Scotland had no national debt at the time of Union. England did. And the Scottish people duly got a chunk of it which which was part of the deal. Parcel of rogues again. The Scottish Parliament lined their own pockets at the expense of the whole nation.

    To the eejit who says we're all the same people.... no, we're not. Scotland was primarily made up of Celts, Vikings and some Britons in the south. England, a thousand years ago, was made up primarily of Anglo Saxons, Britons and Vikings from what is now Denmark. Vikings in Scotland came from what is now Norway.

    Even if you ignore the immigration since then, we are still not the same people.

  6. Yes!I believe that England should be completely Independent from the rest of the UK!If I had my way!Scotland could have it's Independence right now!As Alex Salmond is alleged to have said!One less Cross on the Union Flag!One less Cross the rest of the UK taxpayers have to bear!Who was it who said!"Of all the Crosses I have to bear!The Cross of St Andrew weighs the heaviest!

  7. Yes,absolutely.

  8. Yes, it would leave the bnp in a bit of a quandary with their name.

  9. I support the disunifacation of the Crown But hey it's not like that matters

  10. Why not as we are pretty much there anyhow.....

    own rules ,own parliment.....own blinkin road signs !!!!!

  11. In no uncertain terms, absolutely not.

  12. Even more difficult to contemplate when the opposite is happening in Europe. The whole EU concept of forcing people of different language and culture together for so-called economic benefits is a social disaster.

    Britain's only hope is to stick together, and put petty regional differences aside.

  13. Whether you support it or not, it will happen under the EU anyway, we will be split into regions.

  14. I'm Welsh and no I don't.

  15. NOT AT ALL

  16. yes.  All those who want out...let them go.  They largely harp on about how their countries were forced into the union etc etc etc a million years ago (yet they don't seem to mind the many benefits the union brought them - I wonder if when they're sick for example, do they pay privately for their doctor or do they use an NHS GP).  Cut them loose..see how they get on....Build a wall on their borders let them all disappear up their own **** holes.  It might save the English some tax and clear out the foreigners who manage to secure things like the role of prime minister - what a good choice that Jock pillock was eh?

  17. no...we are all the same.we were Britain long before or...ireland.we are descended from the same people.The anglo-saxon invasion is a myth.Dna proves this.

    we should just be Britain.....together we are just seems that a few politicians want to make a name for themselves in history.....

  18. As an egalitarian communist; Absolutely not!

  19. I would like to see very county declare independance,   And each major city within that,   THEN we may see the futility of nationalism and get down to building one world.

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