
UK parents - Is this article is true or not?

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I admit the source is a little sensationalist, but I would like to know if you are aware about the below law (see link). Please tell me if you agree with it, dont agree with it, if its good for safety, or is it just a rumour? Thank you.

Government Permission Required For Parents To Kiss Children

Sweeping new policies set to be introduced in the UK will mandate parents to get government permission to kiss their children or take them to the swimming pool in public, measures that are "poisoning" relationships between the generations, according to respected sociologist Professor Frank Furedi.

A quarter of the entire adult population of the United Kingdom will be mandated to pass a state check operated by a newly formed government agency to have any physical contact with children under the age of 16 in public - including their own kids.





  1. I am not from the UK but I wouldn't doubt this, because in the US, at day cares, you can have a 1 year old baby with you for 9 hours a day 5 days a week but you can't touch them, hold them, hug them kiss, them, kids can only stand by your side, they can't be in front contact with you.  I think it is stupid, but the government is corrupt, they are stupid, and think everyone is a sexual predator

  2. There was something on the news today which said that a lot of people are scared of interacting with other peoples children for fear of being labeled a pedophile.

    I think this article is just taking that and running with it. Although it did mention that people who take in children for exchange trips will be vetted.

  3. Its the first ive heard.

    That is crazy...but its typical of this country.

    If i want to kiss my child in public then i will.

  4. If it is something that our Goverment can make money out of, then it will be true!!

    There has been something in the news today about how Scout leaders are frightened to be alone with children and I think that this is a spoof.

    I kiss my son out of a Mother's love for him. What right does anyone have to make me get a license to do that?

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