
UK people, how many folow union compared 2 league?

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i can honlesty say here in Australia i do not now any rugby union fans. The game would not exsist here if Union didnt buy some many good league players. What a c**p game lol




  1. overall most people follow union - like me.

    in the south of england, union is followed more and in the north of england it's league that's followed more

  2. Union is the best!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I prefer Union.

    Up here in the Northeast of England we don't have a professional league team so everyone follows Union because of the Newcastle Falcons (with players such as Johnny Wilkinson, Matthew Tait, Jamie Noon and Carl Hayman).

  4. every1

  5. Union for me, although I like watching league..but not as much as Union

  6. It is NOT a c**p game! I can say that as a Welsh person very proudly - our team having beaten the c**p out of all the other 6 nations sides AND won the Grand Slam for two out of the last 4 seasons. lol !!!

    As I understand it, if you are Welsh, Scottish, Irish or English middle class, you prefer union, and if you are English working class you prefer league.

    Discuss, people?

  7. Guys of limited intelligence do seem to struggle with Rugby Union. League's a bit simpler so you're probably better off sticking with that.

    Good luck to you.

  8. More people follow Rugby Union than League.   Rugby League is confined mainly to the North of England, teams  like, Leeds Rhinos, Bradford Bulls, Warrington Wolves to name but a few.  Whereas Rugby Union is played throughout the U.K.   In the past if a player played League he would never be accepted into a Union team.   However, times have changed and the money is now found in Union, consequently a number of League players are moving into Union because of the better pay.

  9. League is sh*t; Union is class

  10. Yeah but isn't it amazing that league really only seems to exist in Australia and the north of England? Whereas Union is basically global (apart from America where it's growing). The only reason Aussies don't like it is because they're **** at the moment and so are trying to change the rules.

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