
UK policies and legislations relating to unaccompanied asylum seeking children?

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Specifically based on the support they are entitled to etc





  1. A 2007 report explores the world of children seeking asylum in the UK and the legislation, practices, misconceptions and injustices surrounding the application of the law towards this vulnerable group.  See site below.

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    This Article critically examines the treatment of children of asylum seekers and asylum seeking children entering the UK. The Article outlines UK asylum law, practice and policy in relation to children and explores in particular the relationship between legislation on Children and current UK Asylum law. A number of human rights issues which arise in this context are explored and the question of whether a human rights perspective has more to offer as a basis for critique than an approach based on the “best interests of the child” principle is also examined in some detail. The author concludes that the Government may be breaching some of its human rights obligation under International Law in the way in which it approaches children and asylum issues and that it needs to review both current law and policy in this area. A number of suggestions are made, including that a specially appointed Asylum Guardian for asylum seeking children be considered by the Government. Finally, the Article considers the most recent legislation to have an impact on the family life of asylum seekers, the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants ) Act, 2004 and the human rights issues which this legislation raises.

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