
UK question: Please only answer this question if you are on a council housing waiting list?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to do research on the effectiveness of the scheme. Please answer each question as fully as possible.

Please note, any information given will just be presented anonymously as part of the anonymous survey, your personal details will NOT be used.

1) Does your council use the choice based lettings system?

2) Approximately how many times have you bid for accomodation?

3) How long approximately have you been waiting on the list?

4) What are your living circumstances ( e.g. live alone, live with children)

5) Are you satisfied with the scheme? Do you think it is an improvement on the old scheme. If so, why so? If not, why not?

6)What borough do you live in?

7) I may think of other question later - will you be happy to answer those too?

Many thanks in advance




  1. Yes

    4 times

    was on it for 4 months

    live with my girlfriend

    yes very much so


  2. ) Yes

    2) 500

    3) 4 years

    4) Shared accommodation, 1 child, not living with me

    5) NO, although on the plus side it does let me see pics of flats I will never get

    6)Belfast, but I'm currently living away from home, where I'm looking for accommodation (West Central Scotland)

    7) Maybe

  3. 1. yes

    2 just bid for the first time last week

    3 2 months

    4 live alone

    5. yes I am in platinum band which means, priority housing, I will be moving very soon ( i  was told in a matter of weeks, as opposed to months, plus I am only going to bid for decent propertys and I live in a nice aea.

  4. 1) Does your council use the choice based lettings system?


    2) Approximately how many times have you bid for accommodation?

    -----about 160

    3) How long approximately have you been waiting on the list?

    -----over a year

    4) What are your living circumstances ( e.g. live alone, live with children)

    ---Married living with 3 year old and a 18 month old

    5) Are you satisfied with the scheme? Do you think it is an improvement on the old scheme. If so, why so? If not, why not?

    -----yes because you can choose the houses but no because our situation means we need to move quickly, we were told we would only wait about 3-6 months because of our circumstances and band, but were still here over a year later

    6)What borough do you live in?

    Lancashire but we are on the Sefton housing list

    7) I may think of other question later - will you be happy to answer those too?

    Yep, why not.

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