
UK question but feel free to answer - Why is UK Queen not LISTENING to HER people and ADVISING HER Govt...?

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"..My Government is committed to openness and accountability, and to a strong parliament able to hold the government properly to account... My Government will continue to work closely with the devolved administrations in the interests of all the people of the United Kingdom. ..." UNQUOTE DIRECT FROM HM the Queen's mouth. Sept 2005 - Several thousand protesters have taken part in a demonstration in central London against the conflict in Iraq.

The OPERATIVE WORDS "MY Govt".. The PM HAS TO ASK the Queen for PERMISSION TO FORM A Govt...I KNOW her role has diminished to that of a ceremonial one, but, her words are "MY Government." Her Majesty CAN ADVISE HER Govt.

Why doesn't HM LISTEN to Her people and ADVISE HER Govt to do the same?

Don't make same mistake Ma'am PLEASE




  1. First of all Gordon Brown and others write the Queen's speech, and as our sovereign she is entitled to call it her Government.

    Secondly our MPs and Royal family have no idea how the rest of us feel about anything and worse than that, they don't really care.

    No-one listens to "Joe public" on matters which those in power regard as none of our business.

    They run the country, badly most of the time, and we put up with it.

    It is said that the country gets the government it deserves, so rightly or wrongly we have no options left.

  2. The queen is  a figure head of the Land, with no power what so ever to carry out what you say, the words in the speech are, just words.the power in the Uk is in, the hands of the voters.

  3. The queen is the most powerful monarch in the world she can by english law do anything she wants. The only problem is she doesnt want to do anything but sit down drinking tea and stroking her dogs while the country is going through many problems such as iliteracy and benefit fraud : (

  4. because the government and the queen r all so far up there own jacksies they dont care bout any1 else. my dad has strong views on this so ring him up as i cant really repeat wat he says bout it as there is too much swearing and it gets worse when he is drunk lol

  5. I don't know

  6. I regret Her Majesty could and probably has done something to advise the government on issues.

    However, it is not the first time the government has not taken any notice of The Monarch. As the government is in power and The Queen has been stripped of hers. Yes, the government or who ever is in power is symbolically called and known as Her Majesties government....but that is only symbolically speaking. Sad, but never the less true.

  7. Your Queen sounds a lot like our federal politicians here in the USA.  Sounds like your Queen may have been influnced by our "good ole boys" in our house/senate!  Do what we are doing over em!

  8. Dont for get the Queen has no real say in governing this country.Charles the 1st saw to that.also she does not listen to the public, only when pushed ie Princess Dianas death.

  9. The Queen is a figurehead and the PM advises her not the other way around.

    The Queen does what is best for her which is to do what the PM advises. A PM has the single most concertrated power if they have a clear popular mandate - which the current PM does not.

    General Election anyone?

  10. She is Queen only in name. She has no political power.

  11. Maybe, uh, who gives a d**n what she says, she holds absolutely no power!  How about, I advise the British Parliment to bomb germany because of all the bad music they make.  They probably would give me the same consideration they give her and the vomitous rhetoric she spews upon that toilet shaped island full of english followers, none.

  12. The weekly meeting of the PM and the Queen is highly secret and no PM has revealed what goes on. Perhaps the Queen does use it as a way to make her private opinions known.

    I agree with you though - i would really like to see her stand up for her people more when governments are intent on selling us out to a European dictatorship and destroying the power of Westminster. She is perhaps scared by the ghost of Charles the first, but he was a dictator who didn't care about parliament. She would be standing up for the peoples wishes and British parliament by going against these traitor politicians.

  13. She doesn't write the speech, PM and advisors do.

    She can't DO anything. If she did, there would be uproar and the destruction of the monarchy would begin.

    What would you do if you were in charge? These matters are moe complicated than you think. And things cost more, too.

  14. Do you really want to go back 300 years(ish!) to when the Monarch was treated as a demi-god (Charles 11) or even back to 1914 when the petty sqabbles between the royals of UK, Germany and Russia caused the "great war" which killed millions of innocent "subjects" I thought not...or even today in Pakistan where 1 man holds all the power(and whatabout Russia etc etc) Personally I think we live in one of the fairest countries in the world..its not perfect but then every human on the planet is flawed in some way, so I think we are very very lucky!

  15. Good question. But better still why does she not sack them all and declare a state of emergency?

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