
UK secondary school: What on earth is PSHE and Citizenship?

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We didn't have classes by these names in the 80s, what is it




  1. Its all about drugs,health, relationships,laws ,s*x, human rights,crime and being a good citizen.

  2. I think PSHE stands for personal. social and health education not sure exactly what citizenship is.

  3. Basically these are trying to make people into decent citizens. They look at things like staying healthy, s*x education and why you should vote and not vandalise property.

    Basically the things parents used to teach.

  4. It's basically s*x with a bit of politics thrown in every now and again.

    (We don't actually do s*x, we learn about it. Just in case you got the wrong end of the stick)

  5. PSHE is personal social and health education and Citizenship is learning about being a citizen and being involved in public life and affairs. Have a look at the link below.

  6. they are both the same things.





    Citizenship is all the boring stuff about how to be a good citizen, the laws, s*x education, drugs, your feelings, bullying, the environment..and so on  

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