Hey guys,
Could anyone please advice our next-door neighbours invited us for their evening wedding reception which is only a week away (well, we’ve been on holiday for some time so they couldn’t get hold of us much earlier).
1) would it be very rude to decline the invitation, we’ve already been told not many people are actually coming, it’s in some castle an hour’s drive away
2) if it was very rude to decline how much would you give and what (e.g. IKEA or Tesco shopping vouchers £20 or how much is appropriate?) we’re not really close but sort of chat every now and then since we moved in our house two years ago.
3) There is no dress code stipulation on the invitation so should I wear just some summery dress and my husband black tie suit or normal suit – at an absolute loss please help!!
Please answer as soon as you can, not much time to go shopping really only this afternoon or tomorrow,
Many thanks