
UMPIRE...What would you have done???

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My brother plays little league for Smithville, Mo and his team was playing in the end of the season tournament (every team gets to play) They play other teams from the area and teams from other towns. Anywho...there was a play at home plate where a teammate of my brother ran into the catcher and he was called safe. The other coach argued that he ran into the catcher on purpose and from my point of looked like he could have done more to avoid the collision but it wasn't a big enough collision to warrant an out call. The game continued and my brothers team had run ruled them (amazingly) and the coaches agreed to play another inning because they were going to let the players play. The umpire's also agreed. The other team was batting and the hitter hit it into the outfield and as he was going into third, the third baseman was going to grab the ball and the runner pushed him over, the ball rolled away, and the runner scored. The umpire's let him score. I told my dad later that if I had umpired the game (i umpire in hiawatha, ks league) that I would have called the runner out (to say that retaliation is wrong because the kids are 10) and called the game there because it was just an extra practice inning. Just wondering what you guys would have called? Sorry about the lengthy discription.




  1. Really depands if the coluison was on accident or porpouse  though i really doubt i would of called him out.

    Up here in New Hampshire. i was doing base umpire while the other umpire was doing behind plate.  (baberuth leauge)

    We got togather and ask if he was just too much speed for runner who coudln't stop in time or get ready to slide.

    I beleive he was called out. but the other team wanted him ejected. We finally throw someout for colusion and it stop.

  2. NEVER make one call based on anything other than what happened on that play. I don't care about the 1st situation. I would evaluate the play as it happened. If its interference, then I call the runner out, if its unsportsmanlike conduct, then I give a warning to the team or eject the player depending on how severe it was. The first play has no impact on that decision.  

  3. I would have called the runner out, he was trying to field the ball and he ran into him. Therefore, he's out.

  4. As most plays I guess you had to be there,but anytime theres malicious contact the player should be ejected,but as I stated before you had to be there to see to extent of the contact.Side note all players should be made to slide when a play is gonna happen at the bases

  5. I was a catcher in HS.  One day, there was a centerfield fly to a friend of mine who I knew had no arm.  The runner at 3rd outweighed me by 50%.  My freind threw a perfect moonball, I knew I was going to have to stretch up to catch it, which meant I gave the runner a perfect open shot.  The game is the game, I decided to play it as it was, and got crunched.  Yeah, the ball scattered away, but not because I didn't make the effort, he flattened me.

    You can't teach them that players are polite, that's not what they will encounter later.  Teach them to have courage.  I am proud of that silly moment...

  6. i dont know thats girly when i played little league 2 yrs ago we could ram into the catcher thats baseball

    btw im from Mass.

  7. I am not an umpire nor did I play little league I would have called the guy that made the shove at 3rd out for interference. The runner at home should have been safe but I guess there are rules are for their safety since they are still quite young.

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