
UN's reaction to possible Russian invasion of Georgia?

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If Russia invades Georgia proper, then we (UN) will be very, very, very angry with you! And we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are!




  1. A full scale Russian invasion of Georgia would be a very bad thing indeed. It would force the United States into a no-win situation and could honestly signal the beginning of another world war. Let us hope that the conflict does not escalate beyond it's current state because I don't know about you, but I don't want to see what happens next. No matter what the United Nations stand might be.

  2. How much did UN reacted when Iraq was invaded?  

  3. There won't even be a letter.  It's the security council's job to do that kind of thing, and Russia has veto power.

  4. what else do you expect from the UN

    it requires a vote passed in the Security Council, IIRC the vote has to be passed unaminously, and as Russia is a permanent member of the security council it isn't going to happen...

    afaik there haev onbly ever been 2 truly ethical reasone and reasonable decisions made by the UN

    the support for South Korea after it was invaded by North Korea backed by both the Soviet Union and China.. at the time China wasn't a member of the security council and The Soviet Union was having a spat and not present at the Sec Council

    and the support for the ejection of Iraq & Hussein from Kuwait.

    aside form that its a talking shop for mediocre and mendacious politicians to rail against the evils of the world, in the sure and certain knowledge they wont have to do anything themsleves. well apartr form collect vast amounts of untaxed income through various schemes and benefits.

    the UN could be a force for good.... look what happened in the twilight days of Husseins Iraq..... the oil for food programme became subverted by bribes demanded and paid for by oil brokers

  5. The same as Barack Hussein Obama's answer (including the letter).

  6. Team America - World Police. I love that movie, mainly because it makes fun of everyone :p

  7. what do you expect, the UN allowed the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, there's not much they can do when the world powers want to dominate other countries

  8. Pretty much.  Russia sits on the UN Security Council, which basically means the UN is useless in this situation, just as always.

  9. Yep it's pathetic and shows how useless the UN really is, even though the Russians are going on a giant killing spree - killing innocent civilians so Russia can:

    * control Georgia's oil transportation/supply routes from the Caspian Sea and thus control ALL of Europe's energy inputs

    * intimidate Georgia into not joining NATO

    * push Georgia from becoming a true democracy on Russia's border

    * punish Georgia for allying with the US

  10. it will call on self-restraint and peacefull solutions, that will be useless , just like what happened when the USA committed its crime in invading a Sovereign state (Iraq).America doesnt have the right now to object .

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