
UN & EU preaching on HUMAN RIGHTS but til date there is no SEPERATE Human Rights Court to deal.?

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It is over 60 years UN & EU talking on beautiful word "HUMAN RIGHTS", in real sense no one can file suit as a victim nor any Judges trained for this or Advocates willing to help financial poor victims. for over 2 Decades I repeatedly questioned the UN & EU president, but til date I wait for answers. shows the reality of POLIT TALKS ON HUMAN RIGHTS?




  1. You assume that the UN and the EU should hold power over sovereign states in a special court.

    Most sovereign states do not want this, for many fairly obvious reasons.

    What works best is to let each nation deal with human rights in their own internal courts.

    States that don't respect human rights won't give a rat's *ss about what some international court says anyway. When the UN or EU sanctions a nation, in a sense, it has already acted as a human rights court and meted out justice.

    It's not a perfect world, but it's working pretty well for most of us.

  2. Here is your information......

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