
UN: Should Britain scrap Royals? what do you say?

by Guest65474  |  earlier

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the UN has said that britain ask the public if they want the royal family, i for one wont get rid of them i love being English and the Royal Family and are very proud or our history and royal family but what is your opinion?




  1. it was tried way back in the 1650'

    before we knew it the public was begging to have them back

    it has got to beat any alternative

  2. get rid of them all!! in-bred, spongers!  We should have a Republic the sooner the better

  3. yep get rid of dem

  4. The Royal Family are here to impress their royality life and family and they've hardly any power...

    they're here for our reputation.


    In this case -Get them f*ckin outta the Line..

    bloody h**l, mate-do you know how much they spend per year?? more than you can imagine, they don't even either contribute or donate any of there money to the poor people..

    To be happy make others happy

    To be rich is to help the poors

    and the most beautyfull thing is to see the smile of a child.

    do you think that quote applies to the Royal Family>>??

  5. Get rid of the UN.    They don't really do anything, anyway, not even open bridges, hospitals or shaking hands.

  6. Yep.

    We should get rid of royalty.

    And not because of anything the UN might have to say about it, either.

  7. world war two was surposed to save brits from german rule yet half our royal family are german in other  words yeah get rid of them weirdo freaks who sit on there **** allday doing ****

  8. They are right to demand we abolish the monarchy. Who exactly is the Queen to lord it over me? She is a nobody. Off with her head!!

  9. The Queen is the head of my country and should always stay so.

  10. God Save Our Queen!

  11. Taxidermy or Formaldehyde?

    We can start on the Aristocrats & Hereditary lords next.

    Still need something for the tourists!

  12. God Save us from the royals.

  13. Keep the Royals

  14. Nope i love our country with the royals.

    Kings and queens are in our history, and will or atleast should be in our future.

  15. Get rid of the UN!

  16. I'd personally rather get rid of them.

  17. Scrap the UN. It is useless.

    Vivat Elizabetha Regina

  18. From the other side of the pond, I can see the usefulness of the royal house: there is a lot of state ceremony which the Queen deals with which in the US would be done by the President -- who has quite enough to do without it.  To have a continuing presence which can advise the sitting government impresses me as a good idea.

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