
UN raps UK over freedom of speech laws that create chilling effect on freedom of expression: what to do?? ?

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UN raps UK over freedom of speech

Press Assoc. - Friday, August 15

The Government has been criticised by the United Nations for introducing laws that have created a chilling effect on freedom of expression in the UK, it is reported.

The Guardian quoted a report from the UN's committee on human rights which hit out at the UK's terror laws, libel laws and the use of the Official Secrets Act.

According to the paper, the UN said provisions under the Terrorism Act 2006 covering encouragement of terrorism are too broad and vague and should be amended so that their application does not lead to "a disproportionate interference with freedom of expression".

People convicted of encouragement of terrorism face up to seven years in jail.

The body also said tough libel laws should be reformed to end "libel tourism" - where people come to the UK to sue over articles they would not be able to pursue in their own countries.

In the age of the internet, the committee said, the laws were in danger of affecting freedom of expression worldwide.

And it said the use of the Official Secrets Act was preventing civil servants from bringing issues of genuine public interest to wider attention.

The criticisms came as part of the committee's analysis into human rights in the UK.

See BBC 'Have your say'




  1. I totally agree with you! This 'regulation' prevents freedom not just of speech but also of expression - you dare not write down your thoughts either these days for fear of the pc brigade! The biggest clear out when the Tories get back into office has got to be of all these useless form fillers and the Quangos for which they 'work' - they certainly aren't 'public servants'!

  2. Well said.

  3. who listens to those fools in the UN.

  4. The United Nations is the sum of all its parts.

    Tell them to sling their hook!

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