
UN should enforce policy requiring all to channel economic wealth to combat economic problems. Do you agree?

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Urgent! Pls give ur reasons to support your opinion. thanks




  1. I agree with Mike.

    Not only should the UN be dismantled, it should be forced to give back all of the money that has found its way to corruption. The US can do its own charity work, without the guide of an anti-American organization.

  2. Disagree. Why should the UN define what wealth is and mandate people to give over their wealth?  That is called legalized theft.

    I think people have the right to their labor. It is up to the people to donate to charity or not.  

  3. In other words you are saying that the American taxpayers should be forced to pay thousands of dollars per year per person to support a UN boondoggle that will provide a massive slush fund for corrupt incompetent dictators.

    The United Nations is notorious for corruption.

    Very little if any of this money would be used to combat poverty.

    This money would primarily become a massive slush fund for corrupt incompetent dictators.

    The United States of America has given trillions of dollars to combat poverty around the world.

    That is far more money than any other nation has given in the history of the world.

    The United Nations has no legal authority to extort trillions of daollars from the American Taxpayers for any purpose.

    The United Nations may ask and the United States may give some money for worthwhile purposes, but the UN must recognize that any money that they get from the United States is a gift.

    I recommend that because the United Nations is such a corrupt organization, that any money be kept under the control of the United States. No money is to be given to the United Nations.

    We are far too generous to the world as it is.

    Now the corrupt, greedy, incompetent dictators of the world want to force the United States to give them money.

    That is an act of war.

    These corrupt pieces of garbage had better learn that they are not entitled to the wealth that the American taxpayers earn through their hard work, while these corrupt dictators build mutimillion dollar villas on the French Riviera.

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