
UNO (card game)?

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Hi, are u familiar with UNO? Do you play with "uno outs" and putting a "wild draw 4" after a draw 2? I don't, i think it's is that part of the rules?




  1. In the original Uno game, the instructions do not allow for any building/stacking.  If the person before you plays a "draw" card, you have to draw.   That's how it was designed.  However, my favorite variation is Fast Uno, where if you have the exact same card that's on the top of the discard pile, you can play out of turn--if you're fast enough to get it in before the next guy plays in proper sequence--and play then continues from you.  For example, if S. plays a blue 2 and you're holding a blue 2, play it, quick!  If S. plays a red skip and E. is holding a red skip, he can play it, even if he's the one who was to be skipped by S.  If four people are holding wild-draw four and they all pile 'em on, the result is that the last one is, in effect, a wild draw 16!  (And then the war breaks out!)

  2. No, that's not part of the rules. I think that's stupid too, but you can put a Wild Draw 4 after a Wild Draw 4, and make them draw or you can put two Wild Draw 4s, and make them draw 8 or two Draw 2s, and make them draw 4.

  3. UNO!

  4. After a Wild draw four, the person that DID not use the draw 4, must draw four cards out of the deck, then the person who get the draw four picks a color, and then puts down a card.

  5. yes you can, but it has to be in a row. It makes the game more fun, and also you don't know the cards that everyone else has. Its luck.
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