
UNO instructions?

by  |  earlier

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question about a hand that can or cannot be played in the game of UNO...

3 Players:

Player 1 drops a "draw four" card then a "skip" to change the color......

question is who does this affect? does player 2 draw 4 then it skips player 3 and back to player 1? or does player 2 get skipped all together and player 3 has to draw 4 then back to player 1???




  1. the order is thus;

    when you play a draw four, it must go to the next person...who draws four.

    then the player 1 (who layed the draw four down) just says a color, but can't play it.

    so he couldn't have put down the skip in the first place.

    but if you want to allow that skip, it would have to affect player 2 as well, so player 2 gets mega shafted.

  2. If player one drops a draw four card, he/she have to pick a color. They can't put a "skip" right after. Then player 2 draws four, unless if player 2 has a drawing card. For example, if 2 has a "draw 2 card" that has the same color player one chose, then he/she can drop that card, then player 3 draws six, unless if he/she has a drawing card.

  3. Player 1 places "Draw four"

    This means Player 2 has two draw four cards

    Then player 1 is allowed to change colors without having to put another card down, and Player 2 still cannot go because he loses his turn by getting hit with the "Draw four" card.

    so they skip him and next to play is Player 3.

    There is no need for Player 1 to put the "skip" card after putting a "draw four" card.

    hope this helps!

  4. just throw your deck at him and be like draw then but yell uno first

  5. The way I've always played is when a wild is played you just say the color and the next player whose turn it is puts down a card of that color. The only time it would go back to the player who put the draw four down is when there are only 2 players. BUT that's just the way I play. In this situation, I would think player 2 draws four and gets skipped (in a sense defeating the purpose of the skip card) or 2 draws 4 and 3 gets skipped.  I've been playing UNO forever so I hope this helped a bit
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