
UP railroaders? Does anyone know what sub Las Vegas, NV is on.?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a website where I can find a UP train lineup for this sub?




  1. I think its on the salt lake sub

  2. call the sub stations for that information don't waste your points on questions like that

  3. I'm looking at UP system special instructions, 1998.

    It looks like at that time, Area 4, Los Angeles.  I don't think El Paso or Dallas/Ft Worth or Houston is close enough, but I think Vegas is serviced from both ends.  At any rate, these are not the names of sub divisions.

    Not great info, but it should get you started.  I thought I had a timetable handy, but they're boxed up.  Sorry.

    An addendum:  I did locate a timetable, but it may be of no use to you.  Time-Table No. 37, effective Sunday, July 17, 1966, shows Las Vegas on the First Subdivision of the California Division.  This would correspond to Los Angeles area at later dates, including the info dating from 1998.

    And when you get the numbers of those "sub stations", lemme know.


    I hope this helps.

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