I got an email from the 'UPS Postal Service', that had an attachment that I clicked on, not reading the warning I was given about the email containing a virus. I looked back to where it said the email address, and it said xod@blutt.com, which doesn't seem like the UPS Postal Service, even though it said it was from them. It said in the email:
'This mail contained a virus or a file violating the mail policy.
The file has been repaired or deleted.
Hint: most infected mails are not originating from the given sender address.
Notifying the sender does not make sense in these cases.'
My computer hasn't been slow, and the ZIP attachment I clicked on didn't seem to have anything in it, and I shut it as soon as I opened it. I've done a couple of virus scans and nothing has shown up yet, (during the hour since I opened the attachment). Is there any chance I could have a virus or keylogger?