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My wife has a problem taking one of her contax lenses out. It seems to have stuck. What can she do?????




  1. Use contact solution and try to flush it out.  Don't force it or pull at it or you'll risk scratching the cornea.

  2. Sometimes I have this problem. It happens when I've slept with my contacts in and when I wake up, my eyes are really dry and it seems as if the contact is "stuck".

    What I do is stop frantically trying to take it out, blink a lot to moisturise the eyes, breathe, relax then try again.

    This should work for your wife. Does for me! :)

  3. a)call an eye doctor

    b)double check to make sure it didnt fall out

    (sounds dumb, but that's happened to me and i didnt notice. maybe its just me tho :P)

  4. when mines get stuck, i usually put water in my eye and it comes rite out, her eye may be a little red but it will be ok.

  5. Use water.

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