
URGENT!!! Did i seriously injure my knee or can I fix the problem?

by  |  earlier

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I have an old injury from like fourth grade (i'm fifteen now) where the muscle on top of my patella was not strong and my kneecap would slip to the side and it would give out. My sister who weighs about 120 pounds sat on my knee when it was twisted out and it exploded in pain and i moved it to straighten it and it cracked twice and still hurt now i'm lying down and have it elevated with ice. will it be better in the morning or did i do serious damage? PLEASE ANSWER FAST!




  1. You should go see a doctor

  2. by the sounds of it you did some damage.

    id go to the emergencey room or call you doctor.

    you could have cracked your knee cap or just popped it out of place.

    laying with ice will help some but from expericnce when you wake up, you will be in pain when you try to walk.

    call your doctor.

  3. It is not miraculously going to get better. Since you aggravated an old injury it is going to be a major hassle to fix compared to a single fresh injury.

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