
URGENT HELP NEEDED ON MY COURSEWORK AREAS OF DECLINE hiv and adis and cancer please help me thanks?

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hey guys thanks a lot for helping me i need help with the following words i dont know what to write about them can u please give an outline i will write about them thanks a lot for offering to help me

the words are

them to come under areas of decilne its about bio technologicgy mediacl and chemical



if you think of anything else can u please tell me please i dont know what to write about it thanks a lot for ur help

iam soory i know i amde a lot of spelling miskaes my spelling is not that good

thanks again in davance




  1. Your question is confusing, are you asking about reasons why HIV, Aids, and cancer may be declining?

    In regard to HIV and Aids, I remember learning about a social psychologist who came up with a creative and possibly very wide reaching and effective solution to fighting HIV/AIDS.  In Africa many men travel for work, either as truck drivers or just on the road, for months at a time.  Because of their life on the road these men may become unfaithful to there wives/girlfriends, or they are single and end up having s*x with many women.  When they come back home they may have contracted HIV and end up giving it to their wives/girlfriends.  Meanwhile the women may become unfaithful to their husband while he is gone and unknowingly spread HIV to other men (you can see how HIV could spread quickly this way).    All these men rarely, if ever, use condoms when having s*x because they are embarrassed to use condoms, do not have access to condoms, have a stigma against condoms, or are unaware of the dangers of not using condoms.  The social psychologist realized that changing the behavior of the men in Africa may prevent HIV from spreading in the first place, and came up with an ingenious way of using observational learning/modeling theories to fight against AIDS.  He developed a radio soap opera to be broadcast in several African countries that demonstrated several scenarios that the men could relate to and learn from.  The main radio characters were truck drivers, and some of them decide to be faithful to their significant others, some decide to have unprotected s*x with other women, and some have s*x with other women but use protection.  The soap opera follows these characters life's after their decisions and shows what happens to each because of their choices.  It has been successful in the countries that broadcast it, and men are more likely to procure and use condoms, be tested for STI's, tell their wife/girlfriend of their transgressions and have them tested, or not have s*x with other women.  You could easily write an entire paper about this subject.

    In regards to cancer, I think there might be a decline because of greater awareness in getting tested or living a healthier life style to prevent cancer (especially breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer).  Medical advances like screening/testing, diagnosis, and treatment have also probably helped significantly.

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