
URGENT HELP - What is my temporary URL or link for my hosting site?

by  |  earlier

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Hello... i am a small business customer with yahoo... the co-founder of the site changed the DNS settings by accident and they are now pointing to another server. I need urgent access to my site hosted on Yahoo. When i first joined, they gave me a temporary URL until my Domain name propegated and it let me view my site. I have called yahoo before and been given this. I am based in Scotland and have called long distance 5 times and i keep being told they do not know what i mean.

Can someone please please help me and provide me with a temporary URL, even if you have one, just give me the first big eg. http://383.38.383/your_name_here and i can add my folder name.

Please help!

Thanks Rob :-)




  1. Well, I don't know what you're talking about either, especially what you are after.  Don't call Yahoo! The phone techs have never helped me.  Go to the help pages and email them.

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