
URGENT!!! I have green eyes, pale skin and black hair, would I suit electric blue streaks? (10 POINTS!!!)?

by Guest56082  |  earlier

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My hair is black and long, I have pale skin and deep green eyes... Would I suit having electric blue streaks in my hair, or would it clash with my eyes and make me look stupid? thanks!!





  1. it depends on how green your eyes are.

    if your worried you should get blue streaks under layers, so they are less striking.

    first you should buy fake extensions, i got electric blue extensions off ebay for like £8. you could get different colours to see what goes.

    like these :

  2. I think it would look really nice. Go for it. x

  3. yes i ithink that it would look great, my sister did it and look very individual i bet it would look good on you.Don't worry about your eye colour that not something that people would say 'oh that clashes' lol it will look lovely. hope that helps x

  4. i have green eyes, black hair, pale skin and electric blue streaks through mine. think about it, from far away no one can see what colour your eyes are and even when they are close up they'll notice the blue more than the green. i absolutely love my hair and if blue is the colour u want then go for it, if u dont like it u can wash it out/dye over it anyway but you'll never know unless you try! :) happy hair dying x*x

  5. ummmm u should try a dark purple and blue streaks that would look cool

  6. just lighten the hair. I have blonde hair with evergreen looking eyes. I have never seen someone with real black hair & green eyes.

  7. I like natural (no streaks) but you sound young, high school? If college than fine your old enough to make a decision, but what message are you sending, LOOK AT ME? I know wild hair color is in. You sound pretty with out any streaks.

    Do you have a job? Employers are not big on wild hair color. Got to say love the combo of hair, skin and eye color, how old are you? If it looks bad dye it back to black.

    There are temp hair colors are there not, that wash out after a few washings. Some are real temp you get at the costume store and come in spray cans, very temp and pretty much wash out first go. I suggest if you make a go of it, GET A PRO TO DO IT. All the best, G

  8. i say dont do it, get green? or red? red hair green eyes go well =)

  9. Probs wouldn't clash, but there would be a contrast...Without seeing your face it's hard to tell.

  10. I think you should put in red streaks. Black hair and red streaks look relly good together, especially with green eyes.

  11. yea...get red streaks

  12. i think it would look great

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