
URGENT I have to write a 4000 word extended essay HELP Pple are alrdy finishing I havent thot of a topic yet?

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I am initially doing History and my topic is essay is regarding Deng Xiao Ping. Can someone give me a good essay question on this which can be written in 4000 words????? serious answers please.




  1. 4000 words is a lot. I'd touch on how cheap labor has affected the economic growth. such as if china had a minimum wage equivalent to the US. Parallels of china and (pre free trade)US. also what Ping would have had to do to get china where it is today if they were a capitalist society...

    That should help you get an extra 1000

    what a S**t topic

  2. i don t know abt whom u  rtalkn gb tu can c these sites---  

  3. Compare and contrast Xaio Ping and Mao Zedong. Has Ping contributed more to the elevation of the life of the average Chinese? How important are xaio Ping's reforms over the long run.

    Ping Bio:

  4. Wait, do you have a topic or not?!  Your question says you have no topic, yet you say the topic is  history and Deng Xiao Ping.

    Seems like it's pretty focused already.

    Do an outline on basic info you find out about Deng Xiao Ping, and or pick topics such as ancestry, childhood, career/power, personal life, death, legacy.   Then flesh it out from there.    Just get started and then hopefully you'll get on a roll.

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