
URGENT: Need a trial version of Microsoft word 2003....?

by  |  earlier

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I need to get the 2003 version of Microsoft Word. All of my college professor says they cannot open up 2007 word documents yet. I have the 2007 word, but i don't know of a way to make it so they can read it. If anyone knows of any place I can dowload or a way to convert from 2007 to 2003, I would be VERY grateful! I will eventually be buying the version once I get my GI BIll to come throuhg. Thanks in advance!




  1. No just save your files in the .DOC format instead of .Docx; then your professors will be able to read it.

    When you do File>Save (or "save as"), there is an option to change the format. The .doc format can be read in both MS office 2003 and 2007.

  2. If you use Open Office (which is free) then your professor will be able to read them fine. I would suggest that as it is not a trial and you can use it as long as you want. It is also completely legal.  

  3. There should be a trial on the microsoft website somewhere.

    But there is also a compatibility add-on for word 2003 that allows you to read and open documents that were saved in 2007 - it's int eh resourced below.

    I hope it helps!

  4. Try this:

    Open your documnet in word 2007 and then Use Save As.. option from file menu in ur word 2007 and select Save As TYPE "Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)". By default the option "Word Document(docx).

    This will make your document compatible with Word 2003.


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