
URGENT!!!! Resently rescued stray kitten 6-8 weeks?

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Newly rescued stray kitten 6-8 weeks?

We have an adult cat but have never delt with a kitten this young. Any tips? I bought some kitten bathwips are those safe to clean her bottem with, also is it normal for a kittten to have p**p stuck on her bottem? What kind of toys would appeal to her. She will p**p in a litter box but will not pee in it. we have had her for 2 days shes going to the vet tommorow. What should i ask the vet.. Tips over all on caring for kittens would be great!!!! Thanks! !!

2 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

2 hours ago

right now we are keeping the kitten in the bathroom beacause the adult cat in jelouse of the kittn and we dont want the kiten to get the older cat sick...(shes going to the vet tommorow}

2 hours ago

we dont think shes sick but cbecause shes a stray we want to be on the safe side.

2 hours ago

also i thought kittens her age loved to play but she never seems intrested, is this normal!!




  1. after the vet try putting the cats together you can NOT have to cats that don"t like each other

  2. First off, RELAX. Everything will be OK.

    #1. Yes, p**p on the rear after a trip to the box is normal. It's a baby. As far as not peeing, watch carefully and place them in the box when they start looking for a spot.

    #2. Ask your vet to schedule (and remind you) regular examinations/shots.

    #3. Spay/Neuter ASAP!! They will be much happier for it and so will you.

    #4. Try to let your cats work it out on their own terms and in their own time. It doesn't have to happen right away. It might take time for each to develop a trust in the other. As long as there is no fur flying, you will be ok.

    Good Luck!

    (we have 4 just under 1 year old)


  4. I am an owner of six male cats. Two rescued - two stray&farrel - two adopted.

    Yes its okay that they have p**p on their butts, their mother will clean it off but you can too, dont use anything except water and towle because if they l**k their butts and there is a chemical they possibly could get sick so if you have already done that stop, they will be okay.

    Keep them in a small room (bathroom is great). Go to the super market and buy kitten food there is special food for them that they must eat. They might have diareeah becuase of their diet change that is normal.

    Decide right now if you are willing to take them in as your own or if you plan on giving them away. If you are devoted to them (and they need you to live a nice happy healthy and long life) because they are stray and farrel and young enough you would have to start a hands on relationship with them if you want them to be nice people cats. Pick them up (not too too much) and cradle them in your arms, always be checking up on them and petting them, play with them (dragging a ribbon across the floor is always fun for them) and talk to them. The more human contact the better people cats they will become.

    You should ask the vet how old they are. If there is a boy you need to make an appoitment to get him spay. Get them their shots, im sure they will need a handful of them. but besides that ask any questions you are unsure of like how to clip their nails (if you clip them wrong you could possibly kill them believe it or not) how often to feed them.

    Good luck.

  5. strays can be feral,or offspring of house cats this makes their

    behavior docile or maybe creepy but with love and proper

    care you'll have a new cat friend ; congratulation on going to

    the experts the vet! just pick up a cpl books from the library

    or pet store and you'll be fine,the wipes are fine,did the vet

    request a stool sample/you should bring one

    definitely keep them separate for about 1 mo the older cat

    will or will not be friends-you can't tell yet cats after all,are cats

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