
URGENT: how do you become an olimpic runner?

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I just wanted to know, what kind of training (do i need a personal trainer/coach?) i need to get to become a distance runner in the next olympics?

I've been told by loads of people that i have a great tallent for the sport, and that i have the build of a distance i thought about trying it...




  1. buy a cute dog and chase after it everyday until you have to buy another is said distance runners from Ethiopia and Kenya trained in this way or strictly speaking they grow up in such environment that they have to chase wild animals for food that is how they dominate this sport  

  2. spelling might help you in someway when your running doesnt fall through.talent,olympics

  3. Hiring a coach will certainly help you improve your running tremendously. If everyone believe you are good and have the potential, why not try it.  

  4. Are you any good? I'm built like a sprinter, but that doesn't mean I'm great at it, in fact I'm just fairly decent. You proablay are going to need a personal trainer/coach and learn a bit about nutrition. If you want to be a runner, you've got to put in the effort,

    I (don't want to be negative but still...) don't think you will make, any Olympic runner which comes last can still beat the average citizen. The level of good is nowhere near the level of Olympic. Besides, most Olympic runners, start training young, the Chinese start rearing their young in the Olympic direction almost as soon as they have control of their two feet.

  5. i'm gonna use your question so i don't have to lose 5 whole points.

    I guess a lot of us want to be Olympic Sprinters. You have to do High school track and lots of practice. that means like everyday going down to your high school and running. try to focus on one or 2 types of races and improve your time on those. Then when your in High school you can try and get a private coach. contact local colleges and ask to speak with there track coach. College coaches some times agree to coach you if it's for a specif reason thats worth there time. Maintain a good diet and try to keep away from sweets. sweets slow you down and give you cramps. also don't drink soda.

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